Earthquake Prediction Form:
Prediction made by Calico
dba/CALICO, Professional Psychic
P.O.Box 1813 Ventura, CA 93001
business: (805) 641-1463
fax: (805) 641-2555
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Psychic readings: 1-(800) 947-5883
Date of Prediction: 10/08/99
Time of Prediction: 06:17 PM (PST)
Estimated Magnitude: 7.9 (Richter)
Source of Vibe * 290 ° W/NW
Comments: This was a very strong vibe, audible in the left ear only. The vibe was loud and approx. 3/4" in diameter. , high in pitch and lasted approx. 5-6 seconds. This will translate into a major earthquake with a magnitude of approx. 7.9, of shallow depth, lasting several minutes. I believe this will occur within 2-5 days.